web, logo design, website hosting by valor creations inc
oregon website services unique effective noteworthy

Valor Creations aims to create content that sets your business apart from the rest. Our designs are original, unparalleled, and incomparable. By striving to create unique content, we can draw interest and intrigue to your business, which ultimately translates into more customers for you and your business.

We want our designs and content to accomplish a purpose for our clients. Whether it is gaining traffic to your website or providing more customers with information about your business, we intend to produce the result you are looking for by creating design-focused content that functions in a simple way, leaving your clients with a deep impression.

You can count on us to create content that is remarkable, memorable, and worthy of attention. We want to beat our competition in the design world, but more importantly, we want you to beat the competition you face every day in your field of business.

design@valorcreations.com – all design related inquiries
hosting@valorcreations.com – all website hosting related inquiries
joshua@valorcreations.com – owner and lead designer

info@valorcreations.com – everything else

Valor – "boldness or determination in facing great danger; heroic courage; bravery"
It takes a great amount of courage and bravery to step into the business world every day and make a statement of who you are as a business. That's where we come in. Valor Creations will back your play, helping you to create a web presence that reflects who you are and what you stand for as a company. We use designs that are unique, effective, and noteworthy to make you look good, always. Valor Creations is here to serve all of your web design, logo design, and website hosting needs with the boldness and determination that your business deserves.

Valor Creations: unique, effective, noteworthy. Web design, logo design, and website hosting in Eugene and Springfield, OR.
all design and content
© 2009-2010 Valor Creations — all images and photographs © 2002-2009 Joshua Rainey Photography